Livestock Information & Stock Sales

KIRSHNER MACKAY Property & Livestock can assist you with BUYING, LEASING or SELLING STOCK through the various options available:

Direct Paddock Sales | Over The Hook | Wagga Wagga Sale Yards | Cooma Sale Yards | Auctions Plus | Annual Snowy Mountains Bred & Reared Horse Sale | Working Dog Sales | Stock Sales

If you have stock that you would like to sell or are looking to purchase, please do not hesitate to contact us. We send stock to the Wagga Wagga Sale Yards on a weekly basis, if you are interested in booking your stock in for sale, please contact KIRSHNER MACKAY Property & Livestock 6456 6783


  • KMPL Snowy Mountains Horse Sale & Agricultural Information Day - Saturday 2nd November 2024

When selling stock through KIRSHNER MACKAY Property & Livestock, please ensure compliance with the following:

  • Ensure you have Full LPA Accreditation.
  • Ensure you have completed the correct MLA- NVD / Waybill accurately.
  • Ensure you have a PIC No. (Property Identification code).
  • Ensure your stock are tagged.
  • If You Have Not Sold Through NICK KIRSHNER Property & Livestock, please complete our Vendor / Stock Form

NON COMPLIANCE with any of the above will incur penalties from regulatory bodies. Please go to our LINKS & INFORMATION PAGE for further information and to download any necessary forms. NO NVD, NO TAG, NO SALE.

Please note that from 1 January 2021 only the updated NVD version (0720) will be accepted for all species (sheep, goats, cattle and bobby calves).The old NVD versions (0413) will no longer be an accepted version of LPA NVD. For further details please contact the MLA (Meat and Livestock Australia):

General enquiries:
Phone: 02 9463 9333
Fax: 02 9463 9393
Free call: 1800 023 100 (Australia only)

© KIRSHNER MACKAY  Property and Livestock | 156 Matong Road Dalgety NSW 2628
P (02) 6456 6783   E W
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